Is it normal to…

Need a nap after lunch?

Struggle to maintain or lose weight?

Have a runny or stuffy nose year-round?

Have trouble focusing my thoughts?

Feel exhausted upon waking?

Experience bloating and burping after meals?

Have less than one bowel movement a day?

Have itchy scaly skin?

Have frequent colds or sinus infections?

Experience frequent heartburn?


These symptoms are common but not normal.

Functional Nutritional Therapy can help restore balance so you can get back to normal.



My name is Mary and I’m a former sugar addict turned Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner. I freed myself from a constant rollercoaster ride of blood sugar spikes and crashes by eating real food. I can help you develop a sustainable plan to balance your body’s systems so you may feel your best. Learn more.


My name is Mary and I’m a former sugar addict turned Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner. I freed myself from a constant rollercoaster ride of blood sugar spikes and crashes by eating real food. I can help you develop a sustainable plan to balance your body’s systems so you may feel your best. Learn more.

Nutritious Endeavors® offers Functional Nutritional Therapy services that will teach you how to bring your body back into balance. Let’s work together to co-create a self-care practice that nourishes your body through real food, movement, stress management and community connection.

Together we will support the foundations of health to activate your body’s innate ability to heal.



Eating a diet of minimally processed whole foods is your foundation to optimal wellness. Let’s talk about how to make this manageable.

Eating a diet of minimally processed whole foods is your foundation to optimal wellness. Let’s talk about how to make this manageable.


Feelings of isolation and loneliness are common. Let’s support your emotional and physical wellbeing by tapping into the connective power of community.


Walking your dog, dancing in your kitchen, and tai chi are examples of movement that benefit you down to the cellular level. Let’s identify options you find fun and sustainable.


You have more choices than just meditation. Let’s investigate options to dial down chronic stress and the disease-causing inflammation it drives.
Nutritious Endeavors® offers Functional Nutritional Therapy services that will teach you how to bring your body back into balance. Let’s work together to co-create a self-care practice that nourishes your body through real food, movement, stress management and community connection.

Together we will support the foundations of health to activate your body’s innate ability to heal.

functional theraphy

*FNT is the process of balancing your body systems by addressing
nutritional deficiencies through a properly prepared, whole food diet
along with incorporating lifestyle choices that support your optimal
wellness. FNT differs from fad diets in its bio-individual approach.
Together we will create a plan to support your needs and goals rather
than hoping a one size fits all program is appropriate for you.

nutritional theraphy
what is the process
We start with a conversation about your health concerns and goals.
We will review the symptoms you are experiencing in relation to your current diet, supplements and lifestyle.

We will use this information to co-create a plan of supportive food recommendations, nutritional supplementation and lifestyle choices.

As you work through the plan, I will be with you every step of the way to cheer you on and offer modifications to keep the process manageable. You set the pace.

Let’s work together to design a plan that meets your ability to create sustainable change.

Is it right for me
FNT is a good option for you if:

  • You are ready to pursue health and stop chasing symptoms.
  • You are ready to make diet and lifestyle changes that will bring about lasting wellbeing.
  • You are interested in complimenting conventional medicine with a functional approach to wellness.

Let’s talk about how FNT can support resolving your health concerns
and reaching your health goals. Contact me to schedule a complimentary 20-minute discovery call or message me with your questions.

Need help figuring out whether a group class or 1:1 consultation is the best option for you? Contact me! I’m happy to answer your questions.

What Clients Are Saying:

“Mary is fantastic, patient, insightful and totally genuine. She has helped change my health.”
Oliver V.

“Mary was able to meet me where I was and give me the information and support that empowered me to make changes in my nutritional choices, self-care and health. I’m feeling better and have much more energy.”
Tricia R.


What clients are saying:

“Mary is fantastic, patient, insightful and totally genuine. She has helped change my health.”

Oliver V.

“Mary was able to meet me where I was and give me the information and support that empowered me to make changes in my nutritional choices, self-care and health. I’m feeling better and have much more energy.”

Tricia R.